Legal mentions

This website belongs to Christophe BARREAU, naval architect.


All texts and graphic elements used by this website are the property of Christophe BARREAU or his representatives and cannot be reproduced without their authorization. Quoted brand belong to their respective owners.

Any reproduction, partial or total, of this website by whatever means without authorization from Christophe BARREAU is forbidden and would be considered as infringement and punished according to articles L.335-2 and according to the intellectual property code.


Limits off fiability and responsibility

Information available on this website are for information only and may not be considered as advices or recommendations of any kind. Consequently, using information and content available on all the website cannot engage Christophe BARREAU’s responsibility or liability of any kind.

The Internet user is sole master of the good use, wisely and with good judgment, of information available on the website.



Legal mentions

This website belongs to Christophe BARREAU, naval architect.


All texts and graphic elements used by this website are the property of Christophe BARREAU or his representatives and cannot be reproduced without their authorization. Quoted brand belong to their respective owners.

Any reproduction, partial or total, of this website by whatever means without authorization from Christophe BARREAU is forbidden and would be considered as infringement and punished according to articles L.335-2 and according to the intellectual property code.


Limits off fiability and responsibility

Information available on this website are for information only and may not be considered as advices or recommendations of any kind. Consequently, using information and content available on all the website cannot engage Christophe BARREAU’s responsibility or liability of any kind.

The Internet user is sole master of the good use, wisely and with good judgment, of information available on the website.